gonzo liberal's Left Hook

[ Tuesday, March 04, 2003 ]


....mid-day east coast update...
... I ranted in the BaltSun bb awhile ago....(edited)
.....a coupla' days ago, on another thread, big-ears wrote..
(quote)I don't like the phrase "war with Iraq". That isn't what this is, or what is all about.
What we say, and how the media reports, is perceived overseas as a reflection of the "typical" American is perceived overseas. We need, as a nation, and as a people, to make it absolutely clear that this is NOT a "war" on the people of Iraq. Saddam, and his regime, is the target. The people of Iraq need to understand that they can trust us, and they should do their best to stay safe, and cooperate with coalition forces at the first opportunity. Anything less than that is to be cruel and inhumane, as it encourages people to do things that will get them killed, and increases the risk to our own troops. You can be against the deposing of Saddam or "war" in general, but don't make the Iraqi People and our troops pay for your (generically speaking) moral or political point-of-view. Call it what it is, not a "war on/with Iraq".......(end quote).

..and I haven't heard a better take on the matter since.
...I'm not suckin' up to ya', sarge, but givin' credit where credit's due...

...It does seem the screamers on both sides use inflamatory rhetoric,... 'war with this' and 'love Saddam' that...

...Our media does not help... Polarization is the norm... The voices in the true center cannot be heard due to the din from the ends...

...The schyttt is about to hit the fan.
..It's gonna get ugly...
..and it's time we figured out how to work together....
..us.... the folks out here that do NOT own a newspaper chain or cable network
..us... that bicker (usually good naturedly) about issues defined for us by special interests... not our own interests...
..us... work together.. for our own interests

..sarge wrote "It is about disarming and deposing the regime of Saddam Hussein. Even those who are firmly against such and action, should call it what it is."

...we will have to get used to "telling it like it is" to each other and to our leaders to clean this mess up...
...and hooo boy, is there gonna be a mess to clean up...


gonzoliberal [1:05 PM]