gonzo liberal's Left Hook

[ Wednesday, March 05, 2003 ]


....Wednesday morning....0900hrs EST 35 and lightly raining on the Chesapeake Bay

....the 'war' with 'terrorists', or islamicjihad or whaterver, started years ago
....the US is upping the anti and will dominate the region as the dust settles
....it's most likely for the better
....NorthDiarreah wants some attention too
..lesser knowns (among big players)
....what's Russia and/or its 'mafia' getting out of all this.
....what't China and/or its 'mafia' getting out of all this.
....what're our 'friends' the Saudi's (no 'ands or ifs about it) getting out of all this.

....Wa-a-a-llll Tucked away in the news this morning is an event that would otherwise be kinda front page...


..ummmm, doesn't anyone else see something odd about those three words used in one phrase like that??

.... ...... bombing in Israel just came in as I was preparing this... I in no way mean by this thread to distract from that tragedy.

...it's just there has been too little press regarding the Chinese and NKs relationships and internal politics... and I'm a little paranoid about those two.....


gonzoliberal [9:13 AM]