gonzo liberal's Left Hook

[ Tuesday, September 09, 2003 ]


It's over.

The repugs won.

The Shrub/Cheney cabal have accomplished all of their goals, to include but not limited to the following;
They have successfully moved the US strategic oil supply from Saudi Arabi to Iraq.
They have successfully invaded and occupied Iraq, and now have sufficient troups to hold the oil-fields-formerly-known-as-Iraqi against any credible invader.
They have suckered the American people and will soon sucker in America's allies into believing a whole rack of lies that, taken together, represent a complete re-write of history for the last ten years.
They have suckered the American people and will soon sucker in America's allies into PAYING billions upon billions of dollars for a "war" against "terrorists" that, though necessary, was poorly planned, dishonestly promoted and open-ended.

Now, with the "necessity" to spend and spend and spend just to get out of the mess we didn't want to get into in the first place, why should the repugs stick around?

The repugs hope to LOSE THE '04 ELECTION so that the Democrats can be the PATSY that cleans all the mess up.

That explains why all the hard dickensons about Hillary; "they" can think of no one better to take the hit for "their" imperial maneuverings.

gonzoliberal [1:54 PM]